Documentary story about Klaudia Bulgakow, a female World Champion in paragliding, flying for her dreams.
This documentary movie shows the story of one of most successful female paragliding pilots in history of this sport. Klaudia through her carrier shows, that if you really want something, there is no way to stop you from making it. Regardless many difficulties she managed to win world Champion title in 2013. But she didn’t stop there.
Medals isn’t the goal itself, but progress, pursuit of personal excellence, shared joy with friends and motivating others to follow they dreams.
Our Team

Martin Smékal
Director and Camera
Stanislav Hruban
Lead Producer
Lucie Plaširybová
Main Editor
Jakub Laššo
Jakub Simunek
Ondřej Hájek
Drone and sound
Lukáš Moca Vinkler
Jiří Benáček
2nd Camera
Jára Sijka
MIlan Jenis
Sound Desing
Tomáš Carda
Jan Stumpa
GradingMovie Partners