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Past season was dictated by recovering from my injury I suffered in April and bad weather during spring. I only managed restart my propper training in June.

Neverles I manage to win again Polish Champin Tittle, shared with very motivated ladies: Joanna and Monika.

During Polish Open New Polish PG Team speed arm were officialy presented.

Due to bad weather we we were forced to move Polish Sport Class Cup 2019 to new dates. It was success! Great weather. Lots of happy faces. Lucking for next year.

For third time I could be part of coaches team on DHV Newcomer and Ladies Challenge.

The ladies nummber taking part was fantastic. Great atmosphere!!!

This sumer World Champinships happen. I was lucking for this event for past two years. Unfortunetley my result was far away from my expectations. Neverless Our team is great. Growing stronger from year to year. Expect amazing results in near future.

End of Sumer I spent in Brazil. I took part in two events: Brazilian Nationals and World Cup.

Brazilian Nationals brought another podium place shared with this amazing ladies: Marcela and Shauin.

But World Cup was tough. I couldn’t find my self. I am proud of my team.

This Sumer I was constantly on the go, so it was very hard for me to update my blog. If you would like to stay tuned please follow my Instagram.


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Klaudia Bulgakow