Latest updatets

Past season was dictated by recovering from my injury I suffered in April and bad weather during spring. I only managed restart my propper training in June.

Neverles I manage to win again Polish Champin Tittle, shared with very motivated ladies: Joanna and Monika.

During Polish Open New Polish PG Team speed arm were officialy presented.

Due to bad weather we we were forced to move Polish Sport Class Cup 2019 to new dates. It was success! Great weather. Lots of happy faces. Lucking for next year.

For third time I could be part of coaches team on DHV Newcomer and Ladies Challenge.

The ladies nummber taking part was fantastic. Great atmosphere!!!

This sumer World Champinships happen. I was lucking for this event for past two years. Unfortunetley my result was far away from my expectations. Neverless Our team is great. Growing stronger from year to year. Expect amazing results in near future.

End of Sumer I spent in Brazil. I took part in two events: Brazilian Nationals and World Cup.

Brazilian Nationals brought another podium place shared with this amazing ladies: Marcela and Shauin.

But World Cup was tough. I couldn’t find my self. I am proud of my team.

This Sumer I was constantly on the go, so it was very hard for me to update my blog. If you would like to stay tuned please follow my Instagram.

Movie premiere

“You Never Know” movie premier happen in historick cinema Kinoteka. I was flatered to see so many people coming. The responce on the movie extendend my expectations by far! After movie presentation me, Martin and Standa answered question of public. There were many interresting topics to reflect on.

If you are interresten in organiznig of the presentation in your area, please contact me.



10th Superfianl of Paragliding World Cup

There we are back to Brazil. Back to Baixo Guandu. Funy as my welcome picture on this blog comes from exactly the same place, and during the story-telling mayor of the town said that I am almost a siticident. It made me think and woohoow !!! I spent here in recent years almost as much time as in Warsaw. Creare!!!

With Charls and Clement, we arrived here 13.03. After some rest, we started training before the competition. The conditions were typically Brazilian with nice, soft thermals and not too much of wind. In one of the days of preparation Ijust wanted to get used to the air on a small flight around the takeoff and land in the city. But then I see how the weather is developing, I realized it was a day to fly to Pancas. A dream flight from last year – we did it during one of the tasks – but this time I wanted to go more into this landscape.

I’m starting to fly north. Charles followed me. As time passed, clouds appeared in front of us, giving us the feeling that everything is working just perfectly on time. Even maybe too much.

There was one solo Enzo following us bit at the side. We didn’t know only till end of the competition it was Stephan Morgentaler.

When we arrived to Pancas one more paraglider came in low – Felipe with his Spectra. He joined us on the way back and all of us returned to town of Baixo Guando.

We were so lucky with this flight. We could enjoy high cloud base. Amazing views and great friends on the side.

First week of World Cup was dominated by weak, wet weather created by tropickal cyklone next to Vitoria. I was doint realy well in this conditions enjoing placing 10 and 21 in a task.

Second week got dry and punchy. We even have flown again to Pancas on one task. This day I was pushing too hard with Michael Sigel and we got stuck on the way. Maybe not the best place in goal but fantastic views again.

I was doing not so bad till one day I was forced to trow my reserve parashut. Just after start I got cot in something like dustdevil and bum. No place to fight, so time to rescue.

Over last two task, wastrying to chatch up the lost in points, but I was trying too hard only losing more. Fairly frustrating expierience.

At prize giving ceremony I find out that my team took 2nd place. I was so happy and surprized by this news!!! I didn’t check this results at all. Nice to score on some task for the team and stay on podium at the end.

In woman category I have finished 5th. Not the result I was lucking for. Still I am happy to be ok. I am happy for great flights, great races with my dear friends.

Big congrars to all winners and pilots competing. Specialy to Russ, who have stoped racing for a wail and now finished on second place, by flying super smart. To Meryl, who showed amazing consistent flying over last season. Well deserved win.

More Superfinals to come!

Results on




Welcome to my new, redesidned, page which inclouds now a blog as well.

I moved away from “clasical” online bloging some years ago as Facebook was such more easy way to kep posting updates during the competitions and training period. I could just simply write out of my phone on the way back to base. Now I feel that facebook is limitating me at some point. Sometimes I would like to have longer post or a post about something more than just day update. It is hard as well, to find things in the past posts there. I feel, that some people are moving out of the Facebook. So there I go – bloging again.

In the future you will find here: competition and training updates, off competition life post, my reading advise and more. So stay tuned!!!


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Klaudia Bulgakow